Sunday, October 01, 2006


Anna and I took a starlit walk last night, under skies so deeply black and generously jeweled that it nearly took my breath away. We are so far from big cities here that the darkness is unfettered, quiet, full of a sense of stillness. It is so good to be in a place that is somewhat separate from the rush and bustle of the modern world.

PEI has a peace and quiet about it that I have rarely found in the travelling I have done. Because it is such a little island, set so far east, it has managed to retain a bit of it's old-fashionedness. There is less hurry here; less advertisement and fast food and bustle on the roads. We've given Gypsy quite a run for her money as we are out exploring almost every day, but to miss these quiet hillsides and forests in the glory of autumn would be a downright crime. It is incredibly beautiful; leaves burned crimson and gold, long harvest fields hedged about with summer green meadows, the sky always changing since the sea is so near. We are, as Anne would say, "drinking up the beauty" and making our hearts strong with it. Pictures will come soon. For now, we are thinking and dreaming on this little island and wish you the same quiet we have found.


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