Friday, September 15, 2006

Welcome to the Gyspy Chronicles

I'm Sarah (the princess), my trusty little blue car is Gypsy, and with her help I am on a gypsy quest to search out the parcels of goodness, the little gems of beauty that God has scattered throughout His earth. We may live in a fallen world, but I am convinced that there is goodness to be had, beauty to be touched and held and I intend to find it.

It often comes in unexpected glimpses, in ordinary moments. A slant of sunlight through pines, a moment of heartbreaking music, a paragraph in a book that seems to transcend mere prose. In oceanside walks and hikes through cold air and drives through miles of untouched countryside. In the lighted eyes of newfound friends and the laughter of an evening round the fireside. Wherever it is found, our hearts know to catch at every last drop of it and drink up the strength that comes from the beauty.

But sometimes it is not enough to simply wait for it to appear. It seems to me that goodness is increasingly hidden in our time. It is a rare gift, to be treasured and regiven when it is found. Thus, my quest as artist and writer and hungry soul is to search out every bit of beauty I can. And then, as a co-creator with Christ, to give it yet new life in my stories and present it as a gift to the hungry world. This page is a bit of my effort. Part travelogue, part journal, part rollicking tale, here I'll tell of sunsets seen and music heard. Here, I'll write of homes visited and people met, of long conversations and hidden corners of beauty that Gypsy and I find in our travels on the open road and (when Gypsy is tired) in thought.

So come along and wonder with me as I wander, under the sky...


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